The Protectors of the Plot Continuum was created by Jay and Acacia way back in 2002. Of all the Mary-Sue hunters and "fanfiction police" in the early '00s, the PPC was the only one to spawn a vast, multiverse-spanning collaborative universe in which thousands of agents tackle bad fanfic with wits, snark, and the lowest pay rates Upstairs can get away with.
Protectors of the Plot Continuum: The Original Series
In the decades since, we have slowly pushed towards a kinder, gentler PPC. Older PPC stories can be very angry at times, but nowadays we try to see the humour in bad fanfiction - and even the good, if it happens to be there. The stories on this site span two decades of writing, so both quality and outlook vary widely. My most 'modern' PPC series stars Kaitlyn and Selene of the Department of Floaters:
PPC: Driftwood